Universal Time (UTC): Wednesday 2025-02-12 20:54:26 UTC Adjustment (Time - UTC): -06:00 ------------------- Date, Time: Wednesday 2025-02-12 14:54:26 Longitude: West 90.00000° = 90° 00' 00" Latitude: North 40.00000° = 40° 00' 00" Julian Day: 2460719.37113426 (+101.5s = Dynamical time) Local Sidereal Time: 00h 28.8m Moon Phase: Full +4° --Equinox of Date-- ----Horizon--- ---Ecliptical-- Anglr Object RA Dec Azimuth Alt Elong Constel Size Illum ------- --------- -------- -------- ---- ------ ------- ----- ---- Sun 21h 46.8m -13° 23' 44° SW +25° Cap 32.4' Mercury 21h 59.7m -14° 18' 41° SW +26° 3° E Cap 4.9" 99% Venus 00h 14.5m +05° 44' 6° S +56° 41° E Psc 38.3" 29% Mars 07h 19.6m +26° 13' 242° ENE +8° 143° E Gem 12.5" 97% Jupiter 04h 39.7m +21° 42' 269° E +34° 107° E Tau 41.7" Saturn 23h 21.7m -06° 12' 22° SSW +41° 24° E Aqr 15.7" Uranus 03h 24.0m +18° 22' 287° ESE +47° 89° E Ari 3.6" Neptune 23h 55.9m -01° 49' 12° SSW +48° 34° E Psc 2.2" Pluto 20h 22.1m -22° 51' 54° SW +5° 22° W Cap 0.1" Moon 10h 05.3m +13° 57' 219° NE -26° 176° W Leo 30.1' 100%
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A solar system ephemeris is a list of solar system objects — the Sun, Moon and planets — and their positions as seen from a certain place at a certain time.
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