Constellations are groupings of stars in the sky. Observers use these groupings to navigate the otherwise random placement of the stars.
The following pieces of information about a constellation are officially standardized by the IAU, the International Astronomical Union:
The Latin genitive form is used to denote star names in some catalogs. For example, the "alpha" star of Ursa Minor, is called "alpha Ursae Minoris" (i.e., "alpha of Ursa Minor"), and is usually shortened in print to "alpha UMi". The proper name of this star is Polaris.
The constellation boundaries were set in 1930 so that all the boundaries lay along constant lines of right ascension or declination at epoch 1875, in order to correspond with a popular catalog. Of course, the Earth's rotational precession since then has caused these lines to shift so that they no longer lie along constant lines of right ascension or declination.
The English names, which are usually just translations from the Latin, are not standardized. For example, Ursa Major is called the "Great Bear", "Greater Bear", "Large Bear", or "Big Bear".
The way that the constellation figures are constructed — which stars in the constellation are connected to make the constellation figure — is also not standardized. There are many variations in various sources.
The last three columns of the table include information about the brightest star in the constellation. Its position in the sky — right ascension (RA) and declination (Decl) — give an indication of the position of the constellation itself. One constellation, Serpens, the Serpent, is split into two parts which lie on either side of Ophiuchus, the Serpent Holder, and each part has its own row in the table.
Here are two other forms of the table below:
The first can be used with any text editor or word processor, the second with a database or spreadsheet program.
You may need to horizontally scroll the table.
Constellation | Bright Star | |||||
3CA | Latin Name | Latin Genitive | English Name | Proper Name | RA | Decl |
And | Andromeda | Andromedae | Andromeda | Alpheratz | 00h08m | +29.1° |
Ant | Antlia | Antliae | Air Pump | (alpha Ant) | 10h27m | -31.1° |
Aps | Apus | Apodis | Bird of Paradise | (alpha Aps) | 14h48m | -79.0° |
Aql | Aquila | Aquilae | Eagle | Altair | 19h51m | +8.9° |
Aqr | Aquarius | Aquarii | Water Carrier | Sadalsuud | 21h32m | -5.6° |
Ara | Ara | Arae | Altar | (beta Ara) | 17h25m | -55.5° |
Ari | Aries | Arietis | Ram | Hamal | 02h07m | +23.5° |
Aur | Auriga | Aurigae | Charioteer | Capella | 05h17m | +46.0° |
Boo | Bootes | Bootis | Herdsman | Arcturus | 14h16m | +19.2° |
CMa | Canis Major | Canis Majoris | Big Dog | Sirius | 06h45m | -16.7° |
CMi | Canis Minor | Canis Minoris | Little Dog | Procyon | 07h39m | +5.2° |
CVn | Canes Venatici | Canum Venaticorum | Hunting Dogs | Cor Caroli | 12h56m | +38.3° |
Cae | Caelum | Caeli | Chisel | (alpha Cae) | 04h41m | -41.9° |
Cam | Camelopardalis | Camelopardalis | Giraffe | (beta Cam) | 05h03m | +60.4° |
Cap | Capricornus | Capricorni | Sea Goat | Deneb Algiedi | 21h47m | -16.1° |
Car | Carina | Carinae | Keel | Canopus | 06h24m | -52.7° |
Cas | Cassiopeia | Cassiopeiae | Cassiopeia | (gamma Cas) | 00h57m | +60.7° |
Cen | Centaurus | Centauri | Centaur | Rigel Kent | 14h40m | -60.8° |
Cep | Cepheus | Cephei | Cepheus | Alderamin | 21h19m | +62.6° |
Cet | Cetus | Ceti | Whale | Diphda | 00h44m | -18.0° |
Cha | Chamaeleon | Chamaeleontis | Chameleon | (alpha Cha) | 08h19m | -76.9° |
Cir | Circinus | Circini | Compasses | (alpha Cir) | 14h43m | -65.0° |
Cnc | Cancer | Cancri | Crab | Altarf | 08h17m | +9.2° |
Col | Columba | Columbae | Dove | Phakt | 05h40m | -34.1° |
Com | Coma Berenices | Comae Berenices | Berenice's Hair | (beta Com) | 13h12m | +27.9° |
CrA | Corona Australis | Coronae Australis | Southern Crown | Alfecca Meridiana | 19h09m | -37.9° |
CrB | Corona Borealis | Coronae Borealis | Northern Crown | Alphekka | 15h35m | +26.7° |
Crt | Crater | Crateris | Cup | (delta Crt) | 11h19m | -14.8° |
Cru | Crux | Crucis | Southern Cross | Acrux | 12h27m | -63.1° |
Crv | Corvus | Corvi | Crow | Gienah Ghurab | 12h16m | -17.5° |
Cyg | Cygnus | Cygni | Swan | Deneb | 20h41m | +45.3° |
Del | Delphinus | Delphini | Dolphin | Rotanev | 20h38m | +14.6° |
Dor | Dorado | Doradus | Goldfish | (alpha Dor) | 04h34m | -55.0° |
Dra | Draco | Draconis | Dragon | Etamin | 17h57m | +51.5° |
Equ | Equuleus | Equulei | Little Horse | Kitalpha | 21h16m | +5.2° |
Eri | Eridanus | Eridani | River | Achenar | 01h38m | -57.2° |
For | Fornax | Fornacis | Furnace | Fornacis | 03h12m | -29.0° |
Gem | Gemini | Geminorum | Twins | Pollux | 07h45m | +28.0° |
Gru | Grus | Gruis | Crane | Alnair | 22h08m | -47.0° |
Her | Hercules | Herculis | Hercules | Kornephoros | 16h30m | +21.5° |
Hor | Horologium | Horologii | Pendulum Clock | (alpha Hor) | 04h14m | -42.3° |
Hya | Hydra | Hydrae | Water Snake | Alphard | 09h28m | -8.7° |
Hyi | Hydrus | Hydri | Little Water Snake | (beta Hyi) | 00h26m | -77.3° |
Ind | Indus | Indi | Indian | (alpha Ind) | 20h38m | -47.3° |
LMi | Leo Minor | Leonis Minoris | Little Lion | Praecipua | 10h53m | +34.2° |
Lac | Lacerta | Lacertae | Lizard | (alpha Lac) | 22h31m | +50.3° |
Leo | Leo | Leonis | Lion | Regulus | 10h08m | +12.0° |
Lep | Lepus | Leporis | Hare | Arneb | 05h33m | -17.8° |
Lib | Libra | Librae | Scales | Zuben Elschemali | 15h17m | -9.4° |
Lup | Lupus | Lupi | Wolf | (alpha Lup) | 14h42m | -47.4° |
Lyn | Lynx | Lyncis | Lynx | (alpha Lyn) | 09h21m | +34.4° |
Lyr | Lyra | Lyrae | Lyre | Vega | 18h37m | +38.8° |
Men | Mensa | Mensae | Table | (alpha Men) | 06h10m | -74.7° |
Mic | Microscopium | Microscopii | Microscope | (gamma Mic) | 21h01m | -32.3° |
Mon | Monoceros | Monocerotis | Unicorn | (alpha Mon) | 07h41m | -9.6° |
Mus | Musca | Muscae | Fly | (alpha Mus) | 12h37m | -69.1° |
Nor | Norma | Normae | Level | (gamma2 Nor) | 16h20m | -50.2° |
Oct | Octans | Octantis | Octant | (nu Oct) | 21h41m | -77.4° |
Oph | Ophiuchus | Ophiuchi | Serpent Holder | Rasalhague | 17h35m | +12.6° |
Ori | Orion | Orionis | Hunter | Rigel | 05h15m | -8.2° |
Pav | Pavo | Pavonis | Peacock | Peacock | 20h26m | -56.7° |
Peg | Pegasus | Pegasi | Winged Horse | Enif | 21h44m | +9.9° |
Per | Perseus | Persei | Perseus | Mirphak | 03h24m | +49.9° |
Phe | Phoenix | Phoenicis | Phoenix | Ankaa | 00h26m | -42.3° |
Pic | Pictor | Pictoris | Painter's Easel | (alpha Pic) | 06h48m | -61.9° |
PsA | Piscis Austrinus | Piscis Austrini | Southern Fish | Fomalhaut | 22h58m | -29.6° |
Psc | Pisces | Piscium | Fishes | (eta Psc) | 01h31m | +15.3° |
Pup | Puppis | Puppis | Stern | Suhail Hadar | 08h04m | -40.0° |
Pyx | Pyxis | Pyxidis | Compass | (alpha Pyx) | 08h44m | -33.2° |
Ret | Reticulum | Reticuli | Net | (alpha Ret) | 04h14m | -62.5° |
Scl | Sculptor | Sculptoris | Sculptor | (alpha Scl) | 00h59m | -29.4° |
Sco | Scorpius | Scorpii | Scorpion | Antares | 16h29m | -26.4° |
Sct | Scutum | Scuti | Shield | (alpha Sct) | 18h35m | -8.2° |
Ser | Serpens | Serpentis | Serpent | . | . | . |
. | Serpens Caput | . | Serpent's Head | Unukalhai | 15h44m | +6.4° |
. | Serpens Cauda | . | Serpent's Body | Alava | 18h21m | -2.9° |
Sex | Sextans | Sextantis | Sextant | (alpha Sex) | 10h08m | -0.4° |
Sge | Sagitta | Sagittae | Arrow | (gamma Sge) | 19h59m | +19.5° |
Sgr | Sagittarius | Sagittarii | Archer | Kaus Australis | 18h24m | -34.4° |
Tau | Taurus | Tauri | Bull | Aldebaran | 04h36m | +16.5° |
Tel | Telescopium | Telescopii | Telescope | (alpha Tel) | 18h27m | -46.0° |
TrA | Triangulum Australe | Trianguli Australis | Southern Triangle | (alpha TrA) | 16h49m | -69.0° |
Tri | Triangulum | Trianguli | Triangle | (beta Tri) | 02h10m | +35.0° |
Tuc | Tucana | Tucanae | Toucan | (alpha Tuc) | 22h19m | -60.3° |
UMa | Ursa Major | Ursae Majoris | Big Bear | Alioth | 12h54m | +56.0° |
UMi | Ursa Minor | Ursae Minoris | Little Bear | Polaris | 02h32m | +89.3° |
Vel | Vela | Velorum | Sails | Suhail al Muhlif | 08h10m | -47.3° |
Vir | Virgo | Virginis | Virgin | Spica | 13h25m | -11.2° |
Vol | Volans | Volantis | Flying Fish | (gamma Vol) | 07h09m | -70.5° |
Vul | Vulpecula | Vulpeculae | Fox | Anser | 19h29m | +24.7° |
There are many other sources of information about the constellations on the web. Here are a few links: