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Solar System Ephemeris

Solar System Ephemeris

Universal Time (UTC): Friday    2024-05-10 12:49:20
UTC Adjustment (Time - UTC):              -05:00
Date, Time:           Friday    2024-05-10 07:49:20

Longitude: West 90.00000° =  90° 00' 00"
Latitude: North 40.00000° =  40° 00' 00"

Julian Day: 2460441.03425926 (+100.4s = Dynamical time)
Local Sidereal Time: 22h 06.3m
Moon Phase: New +32°

         --Equinox of Date--  ----Horizon---  ---Ecliptical--  Anglr
Object       RA        Dec    Azimuth    Alt   Elong  Constel  Size  Illum
-------  ---------  --------  --------  ----  ------  -------  -----  ----
Sun      03h 11.6m  +17° 49'  264° E    +22°          Ari      31.7'
Mercury  01h 34.2m  +06° 25'  291° ESE  +33°   26° W  Psc       8.0"   43%
Venus    02h 45.9m  +14° 59'  271° E    +25°    7° W  Ari       9.8"   99%
Mars     00h 29.9m  +01° 51'  310° SE   +40°   43° W  Psc       4.8"   93%
Jupiter  03h 37.0m  +18° 37'  260° E    +17°    6° E  Tau      32.7"
Saturn   23h 16.5m  -06° 36'  337° SSE  +41°   63° W  Aqr      16.4"
Uranus   03h 22.5m  +18° 15'  262° E    +20°    3° E  Ari       3.4"
Neptune  23h 59.0m  -01° 27'  321° SE   +41°   51° W  Psc       2.2"
Pluto    20h 20.4m  -22° 40'   26° SSW  +23°  108° W  Cap       0.1"
Moon     05h 26.4m  +27° 17'  237° ENE   +4°   32° E  Tau      31.7'    8%

Click here for an explanation of the ephemeris.

Request Form

A solar system ephemeris is a list of solar system objects — the Sun, Moon and planets — and their positions as seen from a certain place at a certain time.

Click here for an explanation of the ephemeris request form.

Date: Year , Month , Day
Time: Hour , Minute , Second
UTC Adjustment (Time - UTC): Hour , Minute
Longitude: West East
  in (A) Degrees, decimal point and decimals
  or (B) Degrees , Minutes , Seconds
Latitude: North South
  in (A) Degrees, decimal point and decimals
  or (B) Degrees , Minutes , Seconds
Equinox: Equinox of Date J2000.0

Make changes as desired in the form above and .

[DaleDellutri.com favicon] Web site comments, criticisms and complaints: E-mail: Dale Dellutri .
Copyright 2020 Dale A. Dellutri
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